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Perfil de Colección para:
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO-Tropicos)

Today, the Garden is a National Historic Landmark and a treasured part of the St. Louis community. We are also a critical partner in plant conservation throughout the world. Our mission is to discover and share knowledge about plants and their environment in order to preserve and enrich life. Today, our mission has never been more relevant or important. Plant diversity, the world’s greatest renewable natural resource, is being lost at an alarming rate, and we must act with the greatest urgency to document and conserve it before it is too late. The Missouri Botanical Garden has recognized and accepted its responsibility to be an effective leader, mentor, advocate, and practitioner of environmental protection at home and throughout the world.

Cite this collection:
Missouri Botanical Garden. Occurrence dataset (ID: 3a17f224-354e-4b5b-853b-ca56c6858e91) accessed via the Biodiversidad de Guatemala Portal, /portal, 2024-09-15).

Estadísticas de Colección

  • 47,462 registros de especímenes
  • 38,067 (80%) georeferenciado
  • 45,359 (96%) identificado a las especies
  • 343 familias
  • 2,354 géneros
  • 9,101 especies
  • 9,753 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Estadísticas Extras

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Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens
Administración: Instantánea de datos de un base de datos local
Última Actualización: 17 September 2020
Metadata Digital: EML File
Derechos de Uso:
Distribución de Taxon
Distribución de Taxon
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