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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Colección Ictiológica (USAC-USACI)
The Ictiological Collection at San Carlos University (USAC) is part of the Biological Collections System administrated by the School of Biology, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia. It houses more than 2,400 specimens preserved in liquid, which have been deposited since it was founded in 1989. The most represented Families (by number of registered catalogs) are Cichlidae, Poeciliidae and Characidae. The departments with the highest number of records are Izabal, Santa Rosa and Escuintla. The collection has a small section designated for teaching, made up mostly of material without field data, which is used in the laboratory practices of the students of the School of Biology.Currently the collection does not have a permanent titular curator, so if you would like more information, please contact Dr. Sergio Pérez, who is the coordinator of the Vertebrate Collections.
Contacto: Dr. Sergio Pérez, sgperezc@profesor.usac.edu.gt (ORCID #: 0000-0001-6762-3569)
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Colección Ictiológica. Occurrence dataset (ID: 788080af-f493-11ea-bce4-62fb35605624) https://biodiversidad.gt/portal/content/dwca/USAC-USACI_DwC-A.zip accessed via the Biodiversidad de Guatemala Portal, /portal, 2025-02-11).
Estadísticas de Colección
- 104 registros de especímenes
- 97 (93%) georeferenciado
- 98 (94%) identificado a las especies
- 24 familias
- 41 géneros
- 47 especies
- 47 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)